Day in the life of a Medilaser Patient – Medilaser


Day in the life of a Medilaser Patient

 Laser vision correction is a simple, day-care, surface laser procedure. It does not require an overnight hospital stay and can be done without an injection and eye patch. It is painless and usually needs 5 minutes per eye for the surgery.

Initial ConsultationUsually, patients visit our clinic by booking an appointment either through a phone call, WhatsApp or email. We advise patients to discontinue contact lenses 4-5 days before a refractive surgery consultation to acquire accurate measurements of the cornea. We also advise them to bring along an attendee who may help them in decision-making and can assist them after a dilated eye checkup when their vision gets blurry.

The first consultation usually includes checking the patient’s uncorrected and aided vision for each eye and determining the correct refractive error. A detailed past ocular history, family history and systemic history are recorded. Details of contact lens use, any ocular symptoms and medication are documented. Patient’s occupation, stability of eye power & lifestyle are discussed to tailor-make decisions about the procedure. An optometrist conducts a corneal topography scan to check for eligibility for corneal laser and Phakic IOL procedures.

Our Counsellor discusses all available and possible options with the patient and attenders. Animated videos, diagrams and eye models are used to explain the condition and steps of the procedure for surface ablation, blade LASIK, Femto LASIK and Relex SMILE.

The recovery of every procedure, cost, duration of surgery, postoperative care, side effects, advantages & possible complications are discussed for each of the surgeries mentioned above with every patient. All queries and doubts are answered. Eligibility for insurance coverage, documentation and EMI options are also informed to every patient.

The refractive surgeon or eye doctor then conducts a detailed eye examination that includes intraocular pressure, dry eye tests, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, and dilated examination to evaluate the retina and cycloplegic refraction. Based on all test results, the final procedure is decided upon by the doctor. Usually, all the tests and counselling may take 1.5 – 2 hrs. The tests are valid for 2-3 months and the patient can finalise a date depending on his convenience.

Preoperative antibiotic eye drops are started a day before the surgery. The patient is given an arrival time and asked to report with an attendee. The patient is asked to have a light breakfast before coming and a head bath before the surgery. The patient is advised to discontinue contact lenses 4-5 days before surgery and report without any eye makeup for the procedure.

On the day of surgery, on arrival, repeat refraction measurements may be taken, if necessary. Preoperative instructions are given to the patient explaining what to expect in the operation theatre.

Payment in the card, NEFT, Cash or UPI is collected before the surgery starts. The patient with an attendee is shifted to a room in the OR complex. A  disposable gown and cap are given to the patient. Eyes are cleaned with betadine solution and then the patient alone is shifted inside the operation theatre.

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The refractive or Laser OT at Medilaser has a Zeiss refractive suite with the Visumax Femtosecond laser and MEL 80 Excimer laser. The patient has to lie down for the procedure. One eye is operated upon at a time. The other eye is kept closed.  An eye drape over the face helps maintain sterility in the operating field. The eye to be operated upon is kept open with a small clip,  called a speculum so the patient cannot shut the eye. Topical anesthetic or numbing eye drops are used to do away with pain sensation but the patient can feel touch and pressure. Constant intraoperative instructions are given to the patient to look at a green or red light and warn him about what he will experience next.

The entire surgery can be seen on a big screen outside by the attendees. Surgery takes 4-5 minutes per eye and is quite comfortable and painless. After the procedure, the patient is made to wear dark glasses and postoperative drops and instructions are explained to the patient. On the day of the procedure, the patient may spend 1.5-2 hrs in total at the hospital.

The patient should be taken home in an enclosed vehicle. He is asked to wear dark glasses the entire day and start eye drops on the same day. The patient can expect some discomfort, irritation, watering and inability to look at light for the first 3 hrs after which he may start feeling better. An oral analgesic may be prescribed for the first day. The patient is asked not to wet the eye for the first 3-4 days, not wipe or rub it, and avoid a head bath and any eye-related work for 3 days. Patients should wear dark glasses outdoors for a week and avoid dusty, windy outdoors and strenuous exercise for a week. Patients should avoid swimming and beach vacations for 3 weeks at least. Females should avoid eye makeup, threading & facials for 3 weeks.

The patient is advised postoperative checkups 1 day, 1 week & 1 month after the procedure. These are to check vision, and eye pressure and see that the eye is healing well. Vision recovers 90-95% in the first 3-4 days after the procedure. However, 100% recovery may take 3-4 weeks. Common side- effects are glare at night, and time taken to focus on small print in the initial few days. However, routine activities can resume after 3-4 days. Bladeless procedures are safe and complications are extremely rare. After initial checkups, all patients are advised an annual follow-up at the clinic to monitor the cornea long-term.

Simple, safe and accurate surgeries all under one roof, have made Medilaser the most trusted refractive surgery destination in the city.

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